Within the IRISCC (Integrated Research Infrastructure Services for Climate Change risks) project, and more specifically in Work Package 4, there are six new cross-RI services or products planned for development as demonstrators of the added value of cross-RI work. The demonstrator concept is to combine existing capabilities and services of the participating Research Infrastructures (RIs) to create new services or products with added value to users. This requires not only combination or re-grouping of data, but also technical work and new capabilities to connect the services into user-friendly packages. Work Package 4 will work closely together with Work Package 6 to support the technical implementation of the demonstrators and to seek adoption of the interoperability framework that Work Package 6 is offering for ensuring that services provided through the demonstrators will be harmonised towards users and make optimal use of computing resources and gateways to data resources.
Report on the full Demonstrator design
The new services are expected to be launched to users in the second service release in IRISCC in September 2026, and to be maintained in the service portfolio of participating RIs, if found relevant enough.
The demonstrator concept and the six individual demonstrators are described in this document (deliverable D4.1), along with the timeline for specification, development, and implementation from starting point to release of the service or product. The demonstrators are presented at a more general level in the actual report, while a further detailed description of each demonstrator, their possible technical requirements, and initial roadmap of implementation is annexed. The detailed descriptions and roadmaps provided in this document are to be treated as conceptual plans and are subject to change during the implementation of the demonstrators.
The Deliverable is currently under EC review.